Data Protection Policy

Please read the Privacy Policy carefully to understand how SW Werkz and its affiliates collect use and disclose personally identifiable information from users of the Sites. User Information Some functionality of the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content, including Online Payment and location based services and functionality, may require the transmission of information provided by the User including but not limited to user names and passwords, addresses, e-mail addresses, financial information (such as credit card numbers), the International Mobile Equipment identity number accessed in the User’s Device, phone-book information, or GPS location (“User Information”). In order to use certain Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content functionality, such as and location-based services and technology, the User must either: i. enable “location services” in the Application; and/or ii. set the permission in his/her mobile device to allow communication of such information. If the User uses such Application functionality, the User consents to the transmission of User Information to SW Werkz, its associates and/or service providers and authorizes SW Werkz, its associates and/or service provider to record, process and store such User Information as necessary for the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content functionality and for purposes described in and in accordance with the SW Werkz Privacy Policy (located at The User is solely responsible for the confidentiality and security of any User Information transmitted from or stored on a Device for purpose of the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content, including Online Payment and/or for all transactions and other activities undertaken with any SW Werkz Membership registered in the User’s name or in relation to purchase and/or services, whether authorized and/or unauthorised. The User agrees to immediate notify SW Werkz of any unauthorized transaction associated with the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content or any other breach of security. SW Werkz shall not responsible for any losses arising out of the loss or theft of User Information transmitted from or stored on a Device or from unauthorized or fraudulent transactions associated with the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content. Unacceptable Use Use by the User of the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content and any Content and any User information transmitted in connection with the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content is limited to the contemplated functionality. The User agrees that his/her use of the Application and any Content must comply with these Terms and the SW Werkz Terms and Conditions. In no event may the application be used (whether by the User or a third party allowed by the User) in a manner that i. harasses, abuses, stalks, threatens, defames or otherwise infringes or violates the rights of any other party (including but not limited to rights of publicity or other proprietary rights); ii. is unlawful, fraudulent or deceptive; iii. uses technology or other means to access the Application, SW Werkz Website or Content that is not authorized by SW Werkz; iv. uses or launches any automated system, including without limitation, “robots”, “spiders” , or “offline readers”, to access the Application, SW Werkz website or content; v. attempts to introduce viruses or any other computer code, files or programs that interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment; vi. attempts to gain unauthorized access to SW Werkz computer network or user accounts; (g) encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, or that gives rise to civil liability; vii. violates these Terms; viii. attempts to damage, disable, overburden, or impair SW Werkz servers or networks ix. impersonates any person or entity or otherwise misrepresents User’s identity or affiliation with another person or entity; x. fails to comply with applicable third party terms; a. makes and/or distribute copies of the Application xi. (m) attempts to copy, reproduce, alter, modify, reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, transfer, exchange or translate the Application; or xii. (n) creates derivative works of the Application of any kind whatsoever (collectively “Unacceptable Use”). SW Werkz reserves the rights, in its sole discretion, to terminate any User license, terminate any User’s participation in Online payment, remove Content or assert legal action with respect to Content or use of the Application, including Online Payment that SW Werkz believes is or might be in violation of these terms of Unacceptable Use. Failure or delay in taking such actions does not constitute a waiver of its rights to enforce these Terms. Users agree not to use the Application while driving.   Indemnification At SW Werkz request, the User agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless (i) SW Werkz and other of its affiliated companies, and SW Werkz group’s employees, offices, directors, contractors, service providers, advisers and consultants and (ii) SW Werkz, from and against any and all claims, suits, damages, costs, lawsuits, fines, penalties, liabilities and/or expenses (direct and/or indirect, and including legal fees on a full indemnity basis) that arise from or is in connection with the User’s use or misuse of the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content. No Warranties SW Werkz is providing the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content to the User “As is” basis and the user is using the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content at his/her own risk. To the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, SW Werkz disclaims all representations and warranties, whether express or implied by status, common law, trade usage, or otherwise. Including any warranties that the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content is merchantable, or reliable, or accurate, or fit for a particular purpose or need, or of satisfactory quality, or non-infringing or free of defects, viruses or errors, or able to operate on an uninterrupted basis, or that the use of the Application by the users is in compliance with laws applicable to the User, or that User information or related date transmitted in connection with the Application (including as part of online payment) will be successfully, accurately or securely transmitted or received, at the suggested time. SW Werkz will use reasonable efforts to make the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content available at all times. However, User acknowledges that the Application is provided over the internet and mobile network and so the quality and availability of the Application may be affected by factors outside SW Werkzs’ reasonable control. SW Werkz does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for unavailability of the Application, or any difficulty or inability to download or access content or any other communication system failure which may result in the Application being unavailable. Remedy THE USER’S SOLE REMEDY IS TO CEASE THE USE OF THE APPLICATION AND/OR SW Werkz WEBSITE AND/OR CONTENT OR TO CEASE PARTICIPATION IN ONLINE PAYMENT. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT SW Werkz AND ITS AFFILIATED COMPANIES WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHER THEORY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE APPLICATIONE EXCEED ANY COMPENSATION THE USER PAYS. Third Party Content SW Werkz may provide third party content in the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content (including embedded content) or links to third party content, applications, products and services, including advertisement and promotions (collectively, “Third Party Content”) as a service to those interested in this information. SW Werkz does not control, endorse or adopt any Third-Party Content, including that the inclusion of any link does not imply affiliation, endorsement or adoption by SW Werkz of any application or any information contained therein, and can make no guarantee as to its accuracy or completeness. Users acknowledges and agrees that SW Werkz is not responsible or liable in any manner for any Third-Party Content and undertakes no responsibility to update or review such Third-Party Content. User agrees to use such Third-Party Content contained therein at User’s own risk. When User uses other application via Third Party Content, or participate in promotions or business dealings with third parties, User should understand that SW Werkzs’ terms and policies of those Third-Party application will now apply. User should review the applicable terms and policies, including privacy and data gathering practices, of any application to which User navigates from the Application. Advertisements and Promotions; Third-Party Products and Services SW Werkz may display advertisements and promotions from third parties on the Sites or may otherwise provide information about or links to third-party products or services. Your business dealings or correspondence with, or participation in promotions of, such third parties, and any terms conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings or promotions, are solely between you and such third party. SW Werkz is not responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of such dealings or promotions or as the result of the presence of such non-SW Werkz advertisers or Third-Party information on the Sites Changes SW Werkz reserve the right to change or modify these Terms or any other SW Werkz Policies/ terms and/or conditions in connection with or relating to the use of the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content at any time and at its sole discretion by posting revision on the SW Werkz Website and/or description of the Application. Continued use of the Application following the posting of these changes or modification will constitute acceptance of such changes or modifications. Termination Notwithstanding any of these Terms of Use, SW Werkz reserves the right, without notice and in its sole discretion, to terminate your license to use the Sites and your account and to block or prevent your future access to, and use of, the Sites. Jurisdiction and Compliance with Laws Access to and use of the Sites and these Terms of Use are governed by the laws of Singapore, without resort to conflict of law provisions. Any legal action or proceeding relating to your access to, or use of, the Sites or these Terms of Use shall be instituted only in the courts of Singapore. You and SW Werkz agree to submit to the jurisdiction of, and agree that venue is proper in, these courts in any such legal action or proceeding.   Enquires or Questions If you have any questions regarding this Agreement, or your SW Werkz membership, you can reach us at: SW Werkz Pte. Ltd. Attn: Customer Care Address:Please read the Privacy Policy carefully to understand how SW Werkz and its affiliates collect use and disclose personally identifiable information from users of the Sites. User Information Some functionality of the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content, including Online Payment and location based services and functionality, may require the transmission of information provided by the User including but not limited to user names and passwords, addresses, e-mail addresses, financial information (such as credit card numbers), the International Mobile Equipment identity number accessed in the User’s Device, phone-book information, or GPS location (“User Information”). In order to use certain Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content functionality, such as and location-based services and technology, the User must either: i. enable “location services” in the Application; and/or ii. set the permission in his/her mobile device to allow communication of such information. If the User uses such Application functionality, the User consents to the transmission of User Information to SW Werkz, its associates and/or service providers and authorizes SW Werkz, its associates and/or service provider to record, process and store such User Information as necessary for the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content functionality and for purposes described in and in accordance with the SW Werkz Privacy Policy (located at The User is solely responsible for the confidentiality and security of any User Information transmitted from or stored on a Device for purpose of the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content, including Online Payment and/or for all transactions and other activities undertaken with any SW Werkz Membership registered in the User’s name or in relation to purchase and/or services, whether authorized and/or unauthorised. The User agrees to immediate notify SW Werkz of any unauthorized transaction associated with the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content or any other breach of security. SW Werkz shall not responsible for any losses arising out of the loss or theft of User Information transmitted from or stored on a Device or from unauthorized or fraudulent transactions associated with the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content. Unacceptable Use Use by the User of the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content and any Content and any User information transmitted in connection with the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content is limited to the contemplated functionality. The User agrees that his/her use of the Application and any Content must comply with these Terms and the SW Werkz Terms and Conditions. In no event may the application be used (whether by the User or a third party allowed by the User) in a manner that i. harasses, abuses, stalks, threatens, defames or otherwise infringes or violates the rights of any other party (including but not limited to rights of publicity or other proprietary rights); ii. is unlawful, fraudulent or deceptive; iii. uses technology or other means to access the Application, SW Werkz Website or Content that is not authorized by SW Werkz; iv. uses or launches any automated system, including without limitation, “robots”, “spiders” , or “offline readers”, to access the Application, SW Werkz website or content; v. attempts to introduce viruses or any other computer code, files or programs that interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment; vi. attempts to gain unauthorized access to SW Werkz computer network or user accounts; (g) encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, or that gives rise to civil liability; vii. violates these Terms; viii. attempts to damage, disable, overburden, or impair SW Werkz servers or networks ix. impersonates any person or entity or otherwise misrepresents User’s identity or affiliation with another person or entity; x. fails to comply with applicable third party terms; a. makes and/or distribute copies of the Application xi. (m) attempts to copy, reproduce, alter, modify, reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, transfer, exchange or translate the Application; or xii. (n) creates derivative works of the Application of any kind whatsoever (collectively “Unacceptable Use”). SW Werkz reserves the rights, in its sole discretion, to terminate any User license, terminate any User’s participation in Online payment, remove Content or assert legal action with respect to Content or use of the Application, including Online Payment that SW Werkz believes is or might be in violation of these terms of Unacceptable Use. Failure or delay in taking such actions does not constitute a waiver of its rights to enforce these Terms. Users agree not to use the Application while driving.   Indemnification At SW Werkz request, the User agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless (i) SW Werkz and other of its affiliated companies, and SW Werkz group’s employees, offices, directors, contractors, service providers, advisers and consultants and (ii) SW Werkz, from and against any and all claims, suits, damages, costs, lawsuits, fines, penalties, liabilities and/or expenses (direct and/or indirect, and including legal fees on a full indemnity basis) that arise from or is in connection with the User’s use or misuse of the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content. No Warranties SW Werkz is providing the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content to the User “As is” basis and the user is using the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content at his/her own risk. To the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, SW Werkz disclaims all representations and warranties, whether express or implied by status, common law, trade usage, or otherwise. Including any warranties that the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content is merchantable, or reliable, or accurate, or fit for a particular purpose or need, or of satisfactory quality, or non-infringing or free of defects, viruses or errors, or able to operate on an uninterrupted basis, or that the use of the Application by the users is in compliance with laws applicable to the User, or that User information or related date transmitted in connection with the Application (including as part of online payment) will be successfully, accurately or securely transmitted or received, at the suggested time. SW Werkz will use reasonable efforts to make the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content available at all times. However, User acknowledges that the Application is provided over the internet and mobile network and so the quality and availability of the Application may be affected by factors outside SW Werkzs’ reasonable control. SW Werkz does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for unavailability of the Application, or any difficulty or inability to download or access content or any other communication system failure which may result in the Application being unavailable. Remedy THE USER’S SOLE REMEDY IS TO CEASE THE USE OF THE APPLICATION AND/OR SW Werkz WEBSITE AND/OR CONTENT OR TO CEASE PARTICIPATION IN ONLINE PAYMENT. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT SW Werkz AND ITS AFFILIATED COMPANIES WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHER THEORY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE APPLICATIONE EXCEED ANY COMPENSATION THE USER PAYS. Third Party Content SW Werkz may provide third party content in the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content (including embedded content) or links to third party content, applications, products and services, including advertisement and promotions (collectively, “Third Party Content”) as a service to those interested in this information. SW Werkz does not control, endorse or adopt any Third-Party Content, including that the inclusion of any link does not imply affiliation, endorsement or adoption by SW Werkz of any application or any information contained therein, and can make no guarantee as to its accuracy or completeness. Users acknowledges and agrees that SW Werkz is not responsible or liable in any manner for any Third-Party Content and undertakes no responsibility to update or review such Third-Party Content. User agrees to use such Third-Party Content contained therein at User’s own risk. When User uses other application via Third Party Content, or participate in promotions or business dealings with third parties, User should understand that SW Werkzs’ terms and policies of those Third-Party application will now apply. User should review the applicable terms and policies, including privacy and data gathering practices, of any application to which User navigates from the Application. Advertisements and Promotions; Third-Party Products and Services SW Werkz may display advertisements and promotions from third parties on the Sites or may otherwise provide information about or links to third-party products or services. Your business dealings or correspondence with, or participation in promotions of, such third parties, and any terms conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings or promotions, are solely between you and such third party. SW Werkz is not responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of such dealings or promotions or as the result of the presence of such non-SW Werkz advertisers or Third-Party information on the Sites Changes SW Werkz reserve the right to change or modify these Terms or any other SW Werkz Policies/ terms and/or conditions in connection with or relating to the use of the Application and/or SW Werkz Website and/or Content at any time and at its sole discretion by posting revision on the SW Werkz Website and/or description of the Application. Continued use of the Application following the posting of these changes or modification will constitute acceptance of such changes or modifications. Termination Notwithstanding any of these Terms of Use, SW Werkz reserves the right, without notice and in its sole discretion, to terminate your license to use the Sites and your account and to block or prevent your future access to, and use of, the Sites. Jurisdiction and Compliance with Laws Access to and use of the Sites and these Terms of Use are governed by the laws of Singapore, without resort to conflict of law provisions. Any legal action or proceeding relating to your access to, or use of, the Sites or these Terms of Use shall be instituted only in the courts of Singapore. You and SW Werkz agree to submit to the jurisdiction of, and agree that venue is proper in, these courts in any such legal action or proceeding.   Enquires or Questions If you have any questions regarding this Agreement, or your SW Werkz membership, you can reach us at: SW Werkz Pte. Ltd. Attn: Customer Care Address:25 Kaki Bukit Rd 4 #08-40/46 S.417800 Singapore Number: (65) 8202 3070 Monday to Friday: 9am to 6pm Saturday: 9am to 3pm Closed on Sunday and public holidays